Free Online Tools
A collection of free online tools to help boost your productivity
Random YAML Generator
Generate valid YAML configurations with smart templates for Docker, Kubernetes, and more
Random JSON Generator
Generate random JSON data with customizable schemas for testing and development
Text Compare
Compare two texts and instantly find differences with advanced similarity analysis
JSON Compare
Compare two JSON objects and visualize differences instantly
XML Prettifier
Format XML files with proper indentation and structure
XML Minifier
Minify XML files to reduce file size while maintaining functionality
CSS Prettifier
Format and beautify your CSS code instantly, with customizable options
CSS Minifier
Minify your CSS code to reduce file size and improve load times
JavaScript Minifier
Minify and optimize your JavaScript code to reduce file size
HTML Minify
Compress and minify HTML code to reduce file size
HTML Prettify
Clean and format messy HTML code with our free online HTML formatter
JSON Minify
Minify and compress JSON data to reduce file size
JSON Prettify
Format and validate JSON with syntax highlighting
JSON Formatter
Format and validate JSON data with syntax highlighting
More tools coming soon! Check back regularly for updates.